eo.is - the url shortener for affiliate marketers

eo.is - the url shortener for affiliate marketers


Eo.is is a url shortener, transforming long URLs like


into short ones like: 


Your links look much better and you have even more features:

Teammates (seats)

In team we are stronger. Invite your team mates to your account and collaborate.

Custom Domains

With the custom domain feature you are able to have domain branded short urls.

For example you can create domains like: mydomain.com/short123

Automatic Affiliate Code Injection

Are you a blogger or an influencer? With our Affiliate injection functionality you can define all your affiliate codes and every time you generate a new short url, your affiliate code for the specified domain is automatically added.

Affiliate County Targeting

Affiliate marketers love this feature

If you want to promote a product with is sold on different domains, like for example amazon.de and amazon.fr, the short-url link redirects the customer to the right country specific shop based on their geo location.

Password Protected Links

Sometimes we need some privacy. Create a link and protect it with a password. Users will see a landing page and won't able to get redirected to the original url unless they enter s correct password.

Give it a try, its FREE!

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